SATURDAY UPDATE: No new confirmed cases of COVID-19

The Ministry of Health announced on Saturday that there are no newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 – the total number still standing at 92.

There are two more recovered cases, with 44 cases still active.

The number of completed tests is up to 1,587


ISpeakFacts 4 years ago

In 3 months we've only tested nearly 1,600 residents out of a population of over 400,000 (possibly 500,000 if you include the illegal immigrants) not good at all!!!

How can we possibly open back up when we haven't even tested one percent of the population? Testing 10-30 people a day is not going to get us anywhere, the lack of test kits is clearly due to the incompetence of Sands and Minnis waiting to little to late to take any action in preparing against the deadly Chinese Virus!


Economist 4 years ago

The US has done ten times on a per capita basis. Bermuda and Cayman have done 20 and 15 times respectively as many tests as we have. We in bad shape. Why did we fail to take Cayman up on their offer to sell us 45,000 tests at cost? Incompetence, plain incompetence.


ace1 4 years ago

Don t call it the Chinese virus,your a racist if you do


xtreme2x 4 years ago

lol..fully agree with you


TalRussell 4 years ago

How can the government inspire confidence that there are no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 – when only but limited number tests were performed, amounting no more than a few cartons chicken eggs. Nod once for yeah, Twice for no?


Economist 4 years ago

Agreed Tal, the government has no idea of who is asymptomatic and therefore infecting people, nor have they tested people who are positive before they show symptoms. We all know that other countries were able to slow the spread by testing and isolating people who were contagious early on.


TalRussell 4 years ago

Ma comrade Econo, officials must be so careful if the true intent is not to instill false sense security in PopoulacesOrdinary.
The best preventative measures are the simple practice social distancing, keeping 7 feet apart, wearing mask-the wearing gloves, where possible when out and about, only leave home to perform must-do tasks. washing those of hands repeatedly, and only return back to work if the work cannot be done remotely...and stop with the hefty fines and the imprisonment [[death sentencing]] of colony's out of paycheques PopoulacesOrdinary and the Homeless.... AND, appoint a fulltime health minister! who swears an oath not to take Obadiah's telephone calls?**


ThisIsOurs 4 years ago

Dr Sands could promise not take Obediah's call again


ThisIsOurs 4 years ago

I have a solution for the govt. 2 movies. One on hurricane Dorian filmed in the Bahamas. Construction of lodging and set. And the 2nd on the sinking of the Flamingo. Heard an absolutely riveting account of the incident. It is movie material. Take some poetic license don't need much, introduce some romantic element, that always works, but the actual accounts are good enough. 2 American fighter jets buzzing Ragged Island and the Cubans scrambling to get away?? You can't make this up. You dont even need to go the movie route. Do a netflix series. How did the Americans get notified, what was the tension like in the PM'S office, what was it like over all the islands as news was reported? Who made the call to the US military? When was head of the US air force contacted? which base did he call or was a navy fighter near by? How did the pilots scramble? The men in the Flamingo doing a final look for Fenrick Sturrup and David Tucker, Edward Williams and Austin Smith. The salute as the Flamingo goes below the water...It's made for a movie. The sets could then become tourist attractions...post covid vaccine. Part of the proceeds go to a trust fund for the descendants.

Get the funding. A team of good quality writers. We have tons. Realistic set, good quality film. Don't half butt the project with cronies


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