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LEFT: Carolyn Lulse-Darling, the wife of Mervin Darling, points out the damage to the car tyre, which it is claimed was caused by police bullets. 
RIGHT: Mervin Darling, who said his car’s tyres were shot at by police.

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UPDATED WITH VIDEO: 'Police shot out my tyres'

A HIGH-speed chase with undercover police officers has led a traumatised Englerston community leader to call for licensed handguns.


CongressionalSpeaker1 10 years ago

These have got to be the dumbest officers to date. With a crime rate so high who the hell has time to stop after hearing gunshots or seeing them fired at you. They have to be mad. Secondly if undercover don't they have a little flashing light that's supposed to be placed on top of the roof of the car and a loud microphone that they speak from when trying to get the attention of others. The police today are untrained and uneducated. Commissioner Greenslade and the Government should let the Police complete criminology courses and a slight law and rights course before going into training. Have more knowledgeable and experienced officers on the road. So that situations are handled properly in the case of another situation occurring. Obviously someone could have been hurt due to the stupid decisions of these officers. I give you a F officers. You cease to amaze me. It seems as if officers only join the force for a sure job and a Honda accord. Yes I said it a Honda. These officers seem to only be interested in those things. They did not come to protect and serve. You want to solve crime? Evaluate these Dummies!!!!!!


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