EDITOR, The Tribune. How much longer in this country are we going to sit back and watch the cat and mouse show? To sit back and watch Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham because of his place of leadership, position of influence and dominating control to continue to seize the opportunities of young inspiring leaders, political and business to say publicly and boldly statements that tears them, their organisations and their businesses to pieces? Have you even sat back and watched how arrogantly for years now Mr Ingraham, seated or standing, in the public House of Assembly scornfully, distastefully, laughs at, and ridicules his fellow comrades and opposition? Have you ever seen such a leader who often publicly stands up and verbally trashes his opponents like a gazelle walking on an ant? Mr Ingraham, many of your accusers, critics, opposers are simply giving you a word of wisdom but you are not even man enough to say "thank you" or use their wisdom to better this country. Instead you continue to see them as your opponent whom you must defeat. Well, sir, in your position of delegated authority and influence you can continue to allow your pride and arrogance to get the best of you, but one day unless you change your ways you will have to give account for your actions and reactions. Take a word from a small ant today: 1) Allow others to lead in their domain without your interference. 2) Allow others to lead without the fear of you jumping down their throats. 3) Allow others to lead in their God-given destiny and purpose. 4) Allow others to lead, make decisions, make choices, make mistakes and to learn from their mistakes. 5) Allow others to lead this country using their God-given skills and abilities to make it a better and safer place to live and to work. 6) Allow others to lead bearing "grace" in mind for you to need grace to do your work. 7) Allow others to lead others to make more leaders to help this country get back on its feet because we in this country need leaders, not few but many and you are only one. Mr Ingraham, if you continue to swallow up all those who confront, challenge, contest, criticise and oppose your leadership, one day you will find there is no one else left to swallow up but yourself. This my five cents. RODNEY ADDERLEY Nassau, January 16, 2012.


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