Family rebounds from death of a 'chubby' mummy

By JEFFARAH GIBSON Tribune Features Writer ALEXANDRIA "Chubby" Farrington, 24, became the 13th murder victim, when she was shot and killed in the early morning hours of February 11. "Chubby" as she was affectionately called, was attending a party off Fire Trail Road when an altercation broke out and a man opened fired on a group of people. She got hit. To this day, Alexandria's death is incomprehensible to her family and in the midst of their anguish, and anger, they remember "Chubby" for the person she truly was - a nurturing mother, caring sister, humorous daughter, and one of a kind girlfriend. "It is all so heart breaking and I do not understand why my sister was killed the way she was. She went to that party to have a good time and she was treated like a dog. She was harassed and beaten. She was hit over her head with a beer bottle and then she was shot. I would not wish what happened to her on my worst enemy," her sister Monica Taylor told Tribune Religion. Among her feelings of pain, Monica said she also felt guilt, simply because as the oldest sibling, she was not at the party to protect her sister from the bullet that ended her life. "When it came to her funeral I went all out because I felt guilty. I wanted to be there to protect her and I was not able to. I did her hair and makeup, while she was at the funeral home. My sister loved to get her hair done and she was always well put together and I know just how Chubby would have wanted to look. I just wanted to spend the last time I could with her," she said. Her five year old daughter D'vandria Lindsey is also trying to comprehend what happened to her mother. She insists that if her mother is fed vegetables she will suddenly wake up. "She understands what happened to her mother and that she will not be seeing her again, but she believes if we dig her up and keep giving her vegetables she would come back to life. We told D'vandria her mother is in heaven and when she looks up in the sky at night and sees the stars she say 'look that's my mummy' and she waves at the stars," she said. Though Chubby's life was cut short, and the circumstances surrounding her death are incomprehensible, Monica said her faith in God has not been moved. "God does everything for a good a wise purpose. I will continue to get down on my knees an pray and I will not allow my faith to be shaken either. It does not make no sense for me or my family to be angry or take revenge on the person that killed her. Someone else dying will not bring her back to life. There were several things Alexandria enjoyed when she was alive. She loved her friends and family; she loved making jokes and spending quality time with her siblings. "Chubby was a clown. She liked to give me names. Sometimes she would say "hey jellybean what you saying". Conferring nicknames on one another is a Farrington family tradition. Alexandria got her nickname "Chubby" when she was a baby. The name stuck with her even into adulthood. "When she was first born she was a bouncy chubby baby. She was so chubby we called her chubby. She was a very peachy person, everyone loved her and she lived her life to the fullest." "My sister and I were very close. Every Saturday or so we would go out riding for food by the dock or somewhere like that. We spent many weekends socialising together." Alexandria enjoyed putting a smile on the faces of hotel guests, when she made her rounds at the Royal Towers, Atlantis Resort. She worked in the room service department. "She was working there for several years and she really enjoyed what she did," Monica said. The days leading up to her death, met Monica with lots of kisses and hugs from her sister. "She was extra sweet before she died. She was giving me lots of hugs and kisses. I loved myself. I will always love her and hold her dear to my heart," she said. A man was charged in connection with the shooting incident that left two others dead. He currently awaits trial.


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