Education hiring policies

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I WOULD advise the Ministry of Education to review their hiring policies when it comes to the appointment of Principals and Senior Masters.

It has come to my attention that when a school experiences a problem some of the Senior Masters and/or Mistresses are reluctant to report the matter to their superiors and attempt to charge parents or guardians of the students who were the victims; the "troublemakers" are allowed to return to school, blameless.

Most of the schools with this particular problem do not have males as Senior Masters. Except the Senior Mistress has a determination that exceeds the young male's male proclivities toward being in charge, it is very difficult for a female to "be in charge" of any young man or woman.

Men are not women and women are not men and for the natural order to be re-established, persons who are appointed to head schools, must understand what is required and what it is going to take to eradicate the state of affairs that began more than a generation ago, when the sanctity of the education system was infected with the awful seed of political expediency.

The Ministry of Education has the data to support what has been written here. They have noted the exemplary success that follows the appointment of males to the Senior Master position; few though those appointments have been.

Tragically, when those schools become successful people are "moved around." What is it about continued success that we have a problem with?




April 2, 2012.


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