Gun Point base to open

EDITOR, The Tribune.

TOMMY Turnquest recently announced that Gun Point, a new defence force base in the Ragged Islands, would open later this year. I read this with much anticipation and think this is a step in the right direction. It is also important to note that this area is one of the richest fishing grounds in the Bahamas.

No government before or now has effectively stemmed the flow of illegal immigrants coming to our shores or stemmed the flow of poaching. The defence force base in Ragged Island will house up to 35 marines and will pay many dividends in the years to come and I think the Minister ought to be commended for this action. He said that the new harbour that is being built will be able to accommodate a 200-foot defence force craft and mail boats.

We all know a new harbour and a few marines will not stem the flow of illegal immigrants entering our country by boat or apprehend illegal poachers. I would implore the minister to ensure the resources are always available to defence force officers so they can carry out their mandate.

The Defence Force has two 200 foot patrol ships- HMBS Nassau and HMBS Bahamas and these vessels patrol the entire Bahamas. When these ships are not patrolling our waters, they are usually docked at the Prince George Wharf.

I would appreciate it if the Minister can confirm if at least one of the other Defense Force patrol craft will be dedicated to the base in Gun Point as opposed to having HMBS Nassau or HMBS Bahamas leave their position and try to intercept unregistered and registered vessels engaged in illegal activity in the Ragged Island chain.

The Defense Force has a base in Inagua and about three years ago the government commissioned the use of two small 27-foot patrol craft there. I am not sure if these patrol craft are effective mainly because of their size and their lack of ability to conduct long range missions.

I support the decentralisation of the Defence Force, but I hope that they deploy the necessary resources to effectively address the capture of illegal immigrants sailing on our waters illegally and the capture of foreign fishermen who take our natural resources without fear of penalty.



April 1, 2012.


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