Graduation dreams crushed

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I AM a long standing resident of the Exuma community, and I am writing to express my concern about the recent discussion and the decision to disallow 27 graduating students of the local high school, Livingston N Coakley, to participate in their commencement ceremony. I do understand that this decision is meant to punish these students for disobeying school rules, but must we be so harsh?

However, I will share with you the events that brought about this decision making. Firstly, I beg for an open mind and that you consider your last days of high school. On Friday, March 30, 2012, whilst idly sitting in a classroom after completion of exams for the day these 27 students conspired to leave campus and headed to the beach for a day of leisure. I am not here to cast blame, but must point out this campus has eight security officers, one of which is a clothed police officer on duty.

Upon return to the campus students were met by their principal who at the time had already decided on their punishment, and originally informed the students that their graduation participation privileges would not be taken away! However the following Monday at a parent/teacher conference their parents received the disappointing news!

You might be wondering at this point, why is she concerned with this, how does this decision affect her? Well, my sister was one of the students of the 27. I am perturbed by this, as I saw her dedication as she went on countless school trips and represented the school at many events. In addition, she has an impeccable high school record, only to be tainted by one bad decision made during her final days of high school.

I am writing this letter to you in hopes that you will assist with having this decision overturned and allow these students to walk on graduation day. Hopes that you will remove the deep sense of failure that their parents feel, after six years of coaching and encouraging their children to make it to this very day, they are having taken away from them.



April 13, 2012.


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