Putting up with leg pains


Kelly Kramp

The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest in the body. When it is inflamed, this condition is called sciatica. Not all leg pain is sciatica, but most all sciatica involves leg pain. Sciatica sufferers often have severe pain along the sciatic nerve path, usually in the back of the legs and thighs, although sometimes the pain is felt in the ankle, foot and toes.

Occasionally pain is felt in the front or side of the legs, in the hips, or for some hapless sufferers, in both legs. Apart from pain, paresthesia or pin-and-needles, burning, tingling, prickling, crawling sensations or tenderness may be felt. Ironically, the painful leg might feel numb as well.

Sciatica is hell to sufferers. Sleeping, sitting, walking, bending, turning or standing up may be difficult or impossible.

For decades, chiropractors and patients have observed the benefits of chiropractic spinal adjustments on those suffering from sciatica and leg pain. Many sciatica sufferers have experienced dramatic relief of their pain after chiropractic care. Many sufferers of sciatica and leg pain have found that chiropractic was superior to traction and pain injections, often saving them from having spinal surgery.

Since we are designed so that we do not feel everything that goes on inside of us, it is very common to have other health problems since the same nerve roots that make up the sciatic nerve also control the function of internal organs such as the bladder, intestines, and reproductive regions. With chiropractic adjustments problems in these organs are quite commonly helped as well.

Chiropractic care appears to have the most profound effect on sciatica when problems first occur. However, even those who have had the problem for months or years can still get excellent results. It is never too late to enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care.

For comments, contact Dr. Kelly Kramp at 393-2774.


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