Is PLP destroying families?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Mr. Perry Gladstone Christie and Brave Davis, what would it take, my God, for you to gather the guts to stop the destruction of helpless Bahamian families? How come you, Mr. Prime Minister, particularly, have stood silently by while your colleagues destroy Bahamian families?

You have seemed to be a sensitive, caring, easy going man, why is this mission, apparently to savage Bahamian children, allegedly stopping them from being able to eat and go to school being allowed? How did you get either so cold or so afraid of your friends that you say nothing?

When would you challenge the strange characters whose apparent mission is to brazenly perpetuate “ethnic cleansing” of FNMs?

The Bahamian people now realize that they have been jammed with a pole of pain and suffering from the PLP. The animals who have been given instructions to go from one government office to the other to get rid of FNMs will only cause the people to rise up against you.

Remember this, everyone does not take things the same way. Stop frustrating and provoking the people. This is not a good recipe for a peaceful society. Blood will be on government’s hands if any child dies from not being able to eat because the family was intentionally prevented from providing food.

The gutter mentality that seems to be entrenched in the PLP will not reap a healthy fruit.

Mr. Christie, if you could muster up the guts to stand up for once in your life and appear to be strong, condemn this victimization that will be your Waterloo as sure as night follows day. Stop this madness. Time will certainly tell. A word to the wise is sufficient.



August 25, 2012.


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