BEC and other government operations

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In this morning’s Tribune headline, the Chairman is predicting the imminent financial collapse of the electrical company, and he doesn’t seem ignorant of the why, as he clearly lays out what needs to be done. Get rid of how many people?

I went to the Nassau Street Magistrate’s Court Complex today to pay a traffic fine, just after 2pm and was told that the cashier in the main complex was now closed and so I would have to go over to court #12 which I was assured was open.

On arriving at Court 12, however, all doors and windows were closed and everywhere were signs saying do not knock. (In other words “don’t wake us up please”).

Not being deterred, as I had come a very long way to get there, I lightly knocked and opened the door myself.

I stated that I had come to pay a fine and the other cashier had directed me here and assured me that you were open.

With lovely smiles the two ladies shook their heads (almost in unison) and said that they (Court 12) was not yet open and I should come back at 3pm.

They must have recognised that being dressed in my business attire I had nothing productive to do today anyway and could either wait or come back.

Why do we, in this country, wonder why it is on the brink (if not already there) of being a failed State? The government cannot seem to get out of its own way. As Dr Ken Knowles might say “why don’t we emulate the Jamaicans” – or even the Haitians?



December 6, 2012.


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