A message for Bran McCartney

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I have a message for Mr Branville McCartney and anyone else who thinks that Christians should find more important things to do than fight against making gambling legal.

I agree, Mr McCartney, there are many important things that Christians can do, but contrary to popular belief, the most important thing is to bring people to a saving knowledge of Christ.

If more people would turn from their evil and wicked ways, stop gambling and seek God’s face, there would be far less poverty and sickness!

They may not ever get rich, but like David said: “I have never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread!”

I believe that Christians should fight against gambling! Why do you think there is so much evil in this land?

It’s because God’s people have stopped fighting for what is right! They’ve stopped contending for the faith! They’ve stopped standing against sin and they’ve stopped standing for God!

As a result, the church has grown weaker and weaker and weaker and more passive and more compromising and more full of sin and wretchedness! There is no deliverance for the people of God!

People think that as Christians we don’t have to contend for the faith, that we don’t have to stand up for the righteousness of Christ,  that all we should do is just sit there and it will maintain itself. That is a lie from the pits of hell!

God is a militant God. This false passive concept of do nothing that we have gained in this generation of back sliders is a wrong.

We are suffering a horrible and terrible disgrace in this country because churches have been forming allegiances with the wiles of the devil and compromising their standards, but God is unmasking the hypocrites and showing them up for who and what they are! 

The truth is being revealed when we see who is willing to stand up and fight.

I say to all Christians and churches, stand up against gambling!

Stand up against wickedness in high places! Stand up for Christ!



December 10, 2012.


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