Short memories on gambling

EDITOR, The Tribune.

What if we throw in the circle now Horse Racing and reIaunch Hobby Horse, firstly it was always a great attraction on Cable Beach for the hotels, secondly it employed a lot of people, full and half time, took a lot of young people off the street and few ended up in front of a Magistrate.

It was legal to boot not like something else we are going to vote on.

If you intend asking the electorate whether they want numbers or lottery why not ask or horse racing or none of any… casino gambling will be on that other referendum in 2013 so it ain’t long now, folks!

I am wondering which politician is either short on memory or simply can’t understand as after listening to the leader of the FNM he has to be trying us.

The FNM met with the illegal numbers people, planned, drafted proposed legislation and if the FNM won although there is not a single word in their manifesto.

Lottery was a-coming.

Mr Christie: Just how don’t you know how many people play? Surely, sir, with respect that indicates that possibly you might be too far removed from grass-root issues to understand the importance of numbers in the social well-being of thousands unless you can find millions and ensure that social services has the funds for the thousands who will be forced to apply for social assistance if the vote goes against either issue.

The UK experts....when you are experts in a particular area you list that area on your web site… I click on so many icons to ensure I did not miss one, but Mr Christie these folk might have been experts but today they don’t seem to wish to be counted as one, so are they?



November 20, 2012.


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