An open letter to the Prime Minister on NIB ructions

EDITOR, The Tribune.

My dear Prime Minister:

Over the past few days, the media has been very busy publishing some unsavoury and serious accusations that are going on between the newly appointed Chairman and the Director and his Deputy at the National Insurance Board.

Members of John Q. Public are having a field day on the subject and your action or lack of it in the controversy.

I do not have the facts and am therefore not in a position to voice an opinion on the pros and cons of the matter.

What I do have a problem with is your handling of the matter.

I am of the opinion that since there are accusations being hurled against each other by each other the proper route for you is to remove all of the participants from that entity while the investigation is ongoing.

This situation is obviously going to blow up as a political one, Ingraham appointed Cargill and you appointed Moss who, incidentally, appears to be an individual devoid of that animal called Tact and who, in my opinion would be bad news in any position of power.

History tells us that experience is the best teacher and that we should learn from our mistakes.

History also tells us that your party lost the 2007 election, not because of what you did politically; but what you failed to do as a Leader in dealing with individuals of your party whose actions brought not only their portfolio but the government and this nation into disrepute.

Your failure to decisively deal with those members was the sole cause of your party’s defeat.

I am not advocating that you should act prematurely, but when the investigation is over and the results are on your desk let the chips fall where they must, if criminality is involved turn it over to the police for criminal action if there was inappropriate misconduct then you must appropriately and decisively deal with it, and remember it is always cruel to be kind, when you gave what you called second chances you were repaid with ingratitude and defection.



December 9, 2012


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