Faith Alive


Tribune Features Reporter


EVEN though they join together every Sunday, the members of Christ the King Anglican Church chose the weekend to worship in celebration for their very first “Faith Alive” event.

For four days, the members encouraged people to “Get Excited and Get Involved,” at Faith Alive.

Held on the church grounds at Ridgeland Park West, the parish experienced a weekend that included all parishioners from the very young to the very mature.

With the entire church involved, there were activities set apart where the men ministered to their brothers in Christ as well as the ladies to their sisters in Christ.

There were also groupings for all ages in the church’s youth ministries. Members said the weekend brought about groupings at homes of Parishioner. Persons in certain areas formed their bible study groups and built spiritual bonds.

Father Bradley Miller of Christ the King Anglican Church told Tribune Religion: “ The whole idea was to strengthen the faith and let people know we are all facing the same challenges. We wanted to make sure no one was left out,” he said.

He said parishioners divided themselves in geographical locations. “ If members lived in the western or eastern area of Nassau, there was someone in that area for bible study,” he said.

As the weekend went on there were activities that followed such as the table fellowship and lots of food festivities, beginning with the Parish Fellowship Dinner last Friday night.

“It was a success. I expected it to be good but I didn’t know it was going to be that good. The first night, we had over four hundred persons show up. Faith Alive is about the food, the fun and the activities. It is about the parish coming alive as a family. It is about the whole church coming together,” said Father Miller.

After the Faith Alive table dinner, members of the church went into the church for praise and worship. Father Miller said a number of local people joined in and a few people from the United States as well.

Laura Roberts, member of Christ the King Anglican Church described the weekend as “fantastic and very refreshing.”

“The first day we had a family service and Friday was the dinner, which was also good. There were a lot of people who decided to share their personal stories.  I was surprised to see the number of young people that were there and they seemed happy to be there,” said Ms Roberts.

Father Miller said the whole idea of the Faith Alive Weekend came from Rector Curtis Robinson. “God had given him the vision for us to do Faith Alive and we went from there. A Faith Alive event is normally suppose to be six months of preparation, but we were able to do it in four months,” he said.

“There was about 80 young persons who came out and out of that number, 40 young persons gave their life to the lord. This was important to me because they came and made a commitment to stand for Jesus and it was just tremendous,” Father Miller said.

Giving God thanks for what he is doing, Father Miller said everything went well and everyone is talking about it. “ We ended with a Church service and it was just awesome. We just saw the spirit of God moving in our parish. We take no credit for what God has done; we say to God be the glory,” he said.


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