Speaker speaks up for Ingraham farewell


FORMER Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham should have been allowed to give a special farewell speech in Parliament, House Speaker Kendal Major said.


Kendal Major

The PLP Garden Hills MP said Mr Ingraham deserves such an


“I don’t have a problem with a special farewell ceremony taking place at the House of Assembly,” he said.

“Given the distinguished career that the member from North Abaco has had, any consideration that could have been given to him would’ve been welcomed by me.”

However, Mr Major did not come out in favour of a special sitting of the House today, as called for by some members of the FNM.

The governing PLP remained silent on the issue, but sources within the party noted that Mr Ingraham did not request a special sitting.

Still, the FNM has said, a special sitting was organised during Mr Ingraham’s tenure, to allow his PLP predecessor, the late Sir Lynden Pindling, to officially take his leave of the House.

Mr Ingraham chose the date of his resignation on the 35th anniversary of his first swearing in as an MP in 1977.

The Speaker acknowledged that having the former Prime Minister address Parliament would have been good for the country, but said he understands why Mr Ingraham chose a date that is special to him.

“I think.” said Mr Major, “that would’ve been a wonderful opportunity for the Bahamian people to hear from the statesman who has served his country for 40 years.

“But I believe choosing the 19th had more to do with this being the anniversary of his appointment to Parliament, therefore it has special significance to him.

“There is no House session on the 19th and there won’t be a House session till the 25th.”

The former Prime Minister is scheduled to address the nation today at 9am on Bay Street. The Free National Movement is encouraging its supporters to attend the event as Mr. Ingraham gives his final address before leaving public life.


concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago

good for you Mr Major ,thats the words of a mature speaker of the house ...


vinceP 11 years, 9 months ago

Man i really must say that this new speaker is like no other that i can remember. This gentlemen is truly that, and i was very impress to see how fair is when watching the house proceedings. I don't know what made the PM choose him, but this guy is great!!


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