Senior officer speaks out after policeman is shot


Tribune Staff Reporter


A DETAINEE hell bent on escaping police custody will attack a policeman if he stands in the way of his liberty, a senior policeman said yesterday.

Central Detective Unit chief Paul Rolle responded to concerns about standard procedure for an officer protecting his gun while uncuffing a prisoner and whether or not following such protocol played a role in the shooting of a policeman by a detainee in the Accident and Emergency Department of the Princess Margaret Hospital over the weekend.

"There is nothing written in stone to say how to do so because that's out in the open," he said.

"I'm unable to speak to that incident because I don't have the full facts on that and I don't know what really happened."

"But I can say that if a fellow is hell bent on escaping and he wants to attack the officer, then he will do it, no matter where he is.

"It doesn't matter whether you handcuff him in the front or the back.

"You never know what these fellows are thinking.

"So you just have to be alert but the exact circumstance I'm unable to speak to."

A wanted bulletin was put out by police early Saturday morning for a 25-year-old man of Matthew Street after the man reportedly shot a policeman in the Accident and Emergency department at midnight Friday.

He also reportedly pointed the policeman's gun at patients and staff to get out of his way in order to escape the hospital.

The Nassau Village man was arrested Saturday around 3pm on Bimini Avenue off Market Street when police were tipped off to his location.

Criminal charges are expected to be brought against him this week.


carlh57 11 years, 10 months ago

It would seem like this police officer would need to go back for some basic police training. Standard procedure should call for 2 officers to accompany a known aggressive and violent detainee. Lesson learned....at least we hope.


Shirley 11 years, 10 months ago

Even my 10 year old nephew knows that one officer should have removed the handcuffs while another officer held a gun to the criminal's head. I understand this guy was well known to the police and a hardened criminal. There is no way that scum bag should have been escorted by only one officer. Heads need to roll.


sansoucireader 11 years, 10 months ago

Suggestion: DEPENDS! Maybe if some of these wannabe thugs and gangsters heard that that's what they'll be wearing on an 'outing' to court, PMH or where ever they have to go, they would think twice. That should be part of the new policy! We are becoming a police state, babysitting these criminals. There are not enough police for all that has to be done. Hasn't the police force learnt by now that sending one officer to the bathroom with someone 'known to them' will likely result in an escape attempt? A prisoner will always try to escape!


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