Now and Not Later


Allison Miller


TODAY my message is for the darlings and future of this nation. It is with great conviction I write to you. A message very important and familiar to you.

During our political season I heard success story from politicians that were profound and encouraging. It made me think of how serious determination is. It is the word determine that I want you to keep at the front of your mind.

As parents, leaders, mentors and guardians we can not stress to you enough the importance of education.

I know it may be difficult to make up your mind to choose a career, nevertheless, you have to choose. This is where you seek God to find out what is it that you are to do with your life. Or to find out your purpose.

If you do not know the lord as personal Saviour, you should let him be that to you. I promise you, you will live the best life you could ever live. It may seem as if people who do not regard God look like they are doing good but that is not so.

The bible asks the question, "what profit is it if a man gains the whole world and loses his own soul?"

Regardless of what material possessions others have if they don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ they are unfortunate and do a disservice to their daily living.

However, along with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ education is needed to assist you in whatever you choose to do.

To those of you who are preparing for the B.G.C.S.E. (those in grades 10 & 11) I beg you to pay attention, do your course work and for the love of God please study. When I sat where you are now sitting I was not attentive when I was told that those grades would follow me for the rest of my life. I did not get the best grades I could have and it is a challenge to find decent work. Without education you are limited. Please don't limit yourself, pay attention in school and do your work.

It's never too late if you are an individual who did not get the best grades. There are programmes that can prepare you to retake those exams. That's where I find myself, almost 16 years later trying to make up for the wrong and wasted time right.

The season is over where we blame the area we grew up in or what kind of home we grew up in. How can I say that? Well we have countless people in the Bahamas and around the world who have overcome every difficulty and obstacle that they were faced with.

A conscience decision must be taken and you have to follow through with that decision. The Bible tells us in Philippines 4:13 that we can do all things through who strengthens us.

I would never advise that we seek to do this on our own. I urge that we would ask the lord to guide, direct us and send people to us who can assist in our efforts to pursuing education. No man is an island and we all need someone to help us along the way, regardless to who it is.

Education is key and for many of us it will be the only way out of a lot of situations that we are faced with today. Get it now and don't wait for later.


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