Cuba expects Bahamas support to lift embargo


Tribune Staff Reporter


CUBAN Ambassador Ernesto Soberon Guzman said yesterday he expects the full support of the Bahamas government in lifting a more than 50-year embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.


Ambassador of the Republis of Cuba H.E Ernesto Soberon Guzman.

At a press conference yesterday, Mr Guzman said the embargo, fully in place since 1962, has done $108 billion worth of damage to the Cuba economy and also has violated the constitutional rights of Americans and made a market of 11 million people off limits to US companies.

Cuba’s Foreign Affairs Minister Bruno Rodriguez arrived in New York yesterday to attend a session of the General Assembly to vote a new resolution against the US blockade.

Mr Rodriguez told members of the press that the blockade is, without a doubt, the principal cause of the economic problems of Cuba.

“The blockade,” he said, “provokes suffering, shortages, difficulties that reach each Cuban family, each Cuban child. The prohibition of travel for Americans is an atrocity from the constitutional point of view and the elimination of the embargo would provide a much-needed tonic for the sluggish U.S. economy.”

Last year, 186 countries voted for the resolution, while only the United States and Israel supported the embargo.

Just last month, 50 world leaders spoke from the podium of the General Assembly demanding the lifting of the US blockade against Cuba.


VDSheep 11 years, 4 months ago

Every country around us are our neighbours, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, US, Canada, all the Caribbean and South American countries etc. - across the ocean and the world…, the Bahamas is a neighbour to all with a coastline! Cuba is one of our oldest neighbours. I hope this government take a neighbourly view of that and vote yes (not abstain as the Bahamas did in the UN Palestinian vote) to stop the US blockade at the UN! Unlike the US and Israel that tries to stop peace and interaction between countries. US has traded with all the communist nations of the world; except perhaps not North Korea. They need to cut the crap and move away from their negative dogmatic policies trying to keep Cuba down - that’s bad for everyone! It certainly is not neighbourly!


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