
EDITOR, The Tribune.

Why is everyone so shocked and upset and in some cases ready to condemn Christians because there was a fight in church?

Revelation 12:7 tells us “And there was War in Heaven! Michael and his angels fought against the devil, and the devil and his angels fought back.”

If there was War in Heaven, surely there can be a fight in church! Not everyone who goes to church and calls himself a Christian is of God. Many speak with their lips, but their hearts are far from him!

As long as God’s people are in church, the devil will be there! In fact, he spends more time there, because the people of the world who have rejected God and the church are already lost! They are already his! He has no need to bother with them.

The minute we choose to follow Christ, we enlist to go to war! Spiritual Warfare! As Christians, we are living in a great controversy! We wrestle not against flesh and blood!..

We need to put on the whole armor of God, with prayer and Bible Study and obedience to God so that we can stand in the face of adversity!
We’ve read the end of the story and we know how it ends! God wins! Let’s just focus on Jesus and make him our example!



November 21, 2012.


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