Association holds its first education event

THE Bahamas Investment and Securities Business Association (BISBA) has held its first Continuing Professional Education Seminar under the topic ‘New Products and Regulations in the Bahamian Financial Services Industry’.

The association, formerly known as the Bahamas Association of Securities Dealers (BASD), has broadened its scope to promote the various sectors of the financial services industry inadequately covered among the existing associations, such as fund administrators and independent financial advisors.

Bringing opening remarks was the Minister of Financial Services, Ryan Pinder who outlined the Government ‘s efforts and its future plans to preserve the Bahamas’s standing as a well-regulated but innovative international financial centre.

BISBA’s president, Brian Jones of UBS (Bahamas), moderated a panel discussion that included Linda D’Aguilar, partner at Graham Thompson and Co, and Antoine Bastian, managing director of Genesis Fund Services, who explained the development of the investment funds sector and introduced the Super Qualified Investment Fund or SFM007.
 Tim Colclough, of Butterfield Bank & Trust (Bahamas), gave a presentation entitled the ‘The Executive Entity Explained’, which described the characteristics, features and benefits of the recently-developed wealth management product.

The seminar’s attendees were also given a regulatory update in relation to the ‘New Financial Reporting Requirements’ by Reece Chipman, principal of the Nastac Group.
 BISBA plans to continue its educational outreach to industry participants, and expects to significantly grow its membership base through its various seminars and events.

Directors of BISBA’s Board include Brian Jones, UBS (Bahamas); Reece Chipman, the NASTAC Group; Ivylyn Cassar, Equity Trust Bahamas; Bradley Crawley, Black Isle Management; Anthony Ferguson, CFAL; Antoine Bastian, Genesis Fund Services; and Andrew Rolle, Equity Trust Bahamas.


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