Deputy Speaker Got It Wrong

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I hope that by now somebody has pulled Deputy Speaker Dion Smith aside and given him a lecture about our parliamentary democracy. Rejecting an Opposition demand for his resignation, Mr. Smith gave as his reason that he still has the confidence of the Prime Minister.

Mr. Smith got it wrong. He is not a Cabinet Minister. Cabinet Ministers are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister and can be removed from office the same way.

The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker are elected by Members of Parliament and are bound to administer the Rules of the House fairly and to protect the rights and privileges of each and every member. They are beholden to the House, not to the Prime Minister.

The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker are expected to retain the confidence and respect of members of the House and the Bahamian people. They can be removed by members and they should remove themselves if their conduct in the House or in public should bring odium to their offices.

Perhaps someone should hold classes for candidates before every election so they can learn about our Constitution, and the rules, conventions and practices governing our institutions before being turned loose on an unsuspecting public.



September 17, 2012.


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