$100 goes a long way to marketing


Simon Cooper

By Simon Cooper

Res Socius

Spend less than $100 and advertise? Of course it is possible, and this week I’m going to demonstrate how. Once you accept that marketing is merely bringing attention to your goods and services, a whole new raft of opportunities emerges. And that is not necessarily resorting to the Internet. One hundred dollars can carry you a long way terrestrially, despite the hype that advertising effectively needs big bucks.

The Big Launch

Work with the Local Press – Journalists are always hunting for news, because that’s what the papers, radio and television are all about. The trick is to convert your marketing message to something newsworthy. Got a new product line you are trying to promote? Well, why not donate some to a worthy cause? You’re sure to get a mention if you tip off a local media person. Just one paper, though, as they like exclusives.

The $10 for two cups of coffee while chatting with the journalist will leave you with $90 over for your next step.

The Power of Flyers - While Sandwich Board Men may be a little out of date these days, people are still willing to accept flyers from college kids. Make sure the moment your news item hits the streets, your smiling youngster is standing on a busy corner handing out flyers right next to the news board.

The remaining $50 should be sufficient to cover all the costs involved!

The Media Follow-Up – Be prepared for a call from another media outlet sniffing for an interview. This time you’re going to need more up your sleeve. Something about how popular your product is in other countries is a good start. An unusual application is even better. People enjoy reading these things.

This should cost you not a dollar more. You came within my budget!

Maintaining Presence

You can bet your bottom dollar that you’ll achieve a few quick sales. Your next trick is to maintain visibility in the market place without spending more money. Now is the time to start social networking on the Internet. After all, you are now able to provide live links to two separate media publications.

The Power of Symbiosis

The principle that two complementary systems can achieve more together than on their own is as true in the case of couples as it is between the earth and the moon. In business, this means working together with others who are not in direct competition. And believe me, with your product such hot news, there’ll be takers, too.

There is no end to the opportunities. If you are selling light bulbs, work with someone selling light fittings. If you are selling car radios, ask to display them in a motor dealer forecourt. Just remember that whatever arrangement you come up with, you will still need to offer something in return. That way, your collaborators will come back for more, and you will sell more of your product, too.

In my case I broker businesses for sale and then provide management consulting services to my customers. How’s that for the power of symbiosis?

NB: Simon Cooper is a founding partner of Res Socius, a firm authorized by the Bahamas Investment Authority to facilitate the sale and purchase of businesses and provide management consultancy services. Contact 376-1256 or visit www.ressocius.com.


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