The Cable Spring uprising

The Tribune.

Boy, have I been waiting for this controversy to start. “Cable Spring” finally begins.

“Things have been pretty exciting round here the last few months.” Remember the ad? Over and over, on so many channels for over a year, became painful.

Doesn’t Cable Bahamas know that ad saturation has a negative effect? And what right have they to usurp foreign, paid-for, commercial time – often overlapping into actual programme show time, or worse, into foreign news reporting?

Three months now Paul has been painting everything blue. Everything Paul? A long time to be painting a room. The actors do a great job, but being in one’s face so often everywhere is a real turn off. And all for what? Cable Bahamas greed.

Then, “HD for your phone”. What does that mean? Come on CEOs’ Canadian Executive opportunists. Who do you think you’re fooling? The Bahamas may be a third world country to you, but brothers, we are not dumb. It became obvious to some of us – when we had gotten over the first excitement of having our own cable – that these guys were intent on squeezing every cent they could out of us.

A developing country we may be, but not gullible; though apparently we musse been dumb at first to have allowed a monopoly to operate in this way for so long. When this Canadian company began here there was no extra cost for channels or packages. The price was the same for everyone, and with the best News, Arts, Entertainment, Sports and Educational features from Canada and Europe (TV France and Germany were especially so good). There was none of the low grade US product we now know, or should know, to be inferior and so mind numbing. Then, gradually the best channels were cut, or put into packages, each at extra cost, designed for maximum profit. Profit becomes too irresistible for greedy CEOs anywhere as we know today. The saddest thing is that Cable Bahamas Street-wiring infrastructure is now secured in most Bahamian homes. We are hostages – and without any other way to see our own national channels.

Notice how Cable Bahamas Basic brings us the cheapest US signals available to them: The most un-educational, horror/violent “entertainment” shows to be seen anywhere in the world. This addictive, mind-wasting material has very negative effects, not just on children, but on parents as well. Direct TV is for movie lovers. It’s an option, but also expensive. For $5 or $10 a month Overplay.net gives access to the whole world’s TV channels – but only Online. Yet any country should have easy, inexpensive access to its own TV broadcasting. The Bahamas does not. It did before Cable Bahamas came along. So this, people, is what a monopoly is all about. And we are caught in one. A big one. Piggy backing Bahamian ads on foreign channel breaks is shameful. It’s gravalicious. If CNN, the BBC or any major channel knew their breaks were being usurped, would there be trouble for Cable Bahamas? Especially from the BBC, basically non-commercial, the only advertising being by other national governments for their tourism, or airline promotion. These must cost the earth in fees. How then can Cable Bahamas piggy-back ads for itself, or their Bahamian clients on BBC or other channels? We pay for those channels. The channels pay for their ads. Their clients pay agencies to make the ads. Don’t we want to see all this world creativity in its totality, ads and all? Finally, and of great importance: Why should anyone, who only wants a reliable Internet connection, be forced to also buy the whole Cable Bahamas Basic TV package? And only watch 11, 12, 13 and 14? Such power C.B. What a fortunate position to be in. Fortunes indeed. Not for long. I hope The Bahamas’ traditional, healthy culture of business competition kicks in soon, but not by imitating such greed.



September 15, 2012.


concernedcitizen 11 years, 7 months ago

if you buy basic its 30 a month ,how many channels do you want for a dollar a day ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????geez get a dish or get a package from cable ,conch snack ain,t been 3.50 since the last century .................


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