Paying respects to Paul Adderley


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Perry Christie said he will remember the late Paul Adderley as a father figure and his self-proclaimed “protector”.

Speaking yesterday outside Parliament, Mr Christie said the former Attorney General’s legacy and that of his family must be preserved in history to inspire future generations of Bahamians.

He said: “Mr Adderley stepped into my life the minute I stepped into public life and throughout my public life he was a self appointed protector of me in every which way – politically, legislatively – and even when he retired.

“There was a real special feeling, a special love and empathy – I was like a son that he never had.”

A five-term Parliamentarian who was the country’s longest serving Attorney General, Mr Adderley died September 19 after a lengthy illness. He was 84 years old.

Yesterday, Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes, the Prime Minister, Cabinet ministers, members of Parliament, former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and other dignitaries along with members of Mr Adderley’s family viewed his body in the foyer of the House of Assembly.

Speaking on the importance of remembering national heroes, Mr Christie said the government is determined to shortly begin the process of identifying and honouring persons who have contributed to the country significantly.

He said: “I indicated to the chairman of the National Heroes Committee father Sebastian Campbell that I was going to invite the Anglican Church to give him some time to join us as we move to the 40th anniversary, to begin the process of identifying national heroes.

“Some of them will be heroes not because of what they did in public life, but heroes because of what they did in the field of human endeavour in our country.”

While Mr Christie could not say exactly how it will be done, he said a tribute will be made to Mr Adderley.

“In a very deliberate way it will be decided how best to honour Mr Adderley – it is going to be very important that we do that,” Mr Christie said.

His funeral will be held today at 11am at Christ Church Cathedral on George Street.


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