Cash tells McCartney to 'get a life'


Darron Cash

BRANVILLE McCartney clearly does not understand the role of the opposition according to FNM chairman Darron Cash, who told the DNA leader he needs to “get a life”.

In a statement issued yesterday, on what Mr Cash called one of the few occasions they will answer McCartney – “because we know he is desperately seeking attention” – the FNM said is has become obvious the DNA leader needs a few political lessons.

“Mr McCartney seems to be auditioning for the role of leader of the opposition to the opposition. This is the only explanation for his obsession with the Free National Movement,” Mr Cash said.

“While he lets the government have a free pass when they fail in the implementation of public policy, all he can do is criticise members of the FNM over and repeatedly.

“Far be it from us to give the lonely DNA leader political advice, but he needs to understand that as a ‘leader’ of an opposition party that has no seats in either houses of parliament, his focus and attention needs to be centred on the government of the day.

“We cannot understand the reason for his unhealthy obsession with former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham. His behaviour seems deeply personal. It demonstrates pettiness and political immaturity.

“We urge his supporters to take note of his constant desire to attack Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and the FNM rather that the sitting Prime Minister Perry Christie and the PLP. It is as if his sole reason for the DNA’s existence is to attack Mr Ingraham and the FNM with little or no consideration to the performance of the actual government.”

Mr Cash said the DNA leader needs to learn that being the leader of a political party that wants to become the government is about more than the “politics of personal vendetta” against a single person.


proudloudandfnm 10 years, 8 months ago

Looks like the DNA will run yet another HAI vendetta campaign in 017.


TalRussell 10 years, 8 months ago

Pretty pathetic to observe these two rejected politicians. How incredibly slow of an news day does it take for the Tribune to treat readers to Comrades Bran and Darron having an argument about which one of them could possibly be the worst politician of the two? These two comedians are still upset over how Bahamalanders stole their political hopes lunches back in May 2012. I know it's hard but these two can even make Abaco's Edison's falling star shine.


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