Looking to the future

EDITOR, The Tribune.

2012 has been a challenging year for tens of thousands of Bahamians. Some of the missteps and setbacks have been of our own making, either due to overt neglect of our individual affairs or due to unavoidable acts of God. In some cases far too many of us placed our well-being in the hands of politicians; tin gods and iron men/women.

It is commonly accepted that there are three dimensions; width; height and length. I submit that here in The Commonwealth of The Bahamas there is yet another hidden, but not so hidden, fourth dimension known as political cynicism and cannibalism.

Some have opined that I write to the media too often and that I have too much hard mouth. This is not the case at all but I must confess that I am a purpose driven individual who is determined to make the most incisive public policy contributions that I am able to so long as there is breath in my body. Only death or the inevitable second coming of The Messiah will stop me.

Bahamians, by and large, continue to look to external forces and individuals, especially politicians; bogus clergy and their spouses or significant others to make a difference in his/her life. While it is good to have a cadre of supportive individuals, changes and progress must come from within the individual. Only you are able to determine what is best for you and how to play it out.

To rely on others, except you are a lunatic; child or suffering from the oncoming or present symptoms of old age is foolish and highly dangerous. For generations a debilitating system of political dependency has been growing in The Bahamas. It is now to such an extent that politics and who you know or who knows you often determine whether you eat bread or whether you literally die.

When administrations change the supporters, real or pretended of the incoming one, salivate and chomp at the proverbial bit because he/she expects some sort of political patronage; a government job or a well greased contract. This is so sad and is a big stumbling block to nation building and personal emancipation.

In opposition, our erstwhile politicians will promise the Moon and Goat cheese. After being elected it is another story. No disillusionment on my part because as a metaphysician and a member of the Illuminati, I know the truth and I know just how to heal myself. The rest of you, however, who are not of the craft, will continue to be relegated to the Fourth Dimension.

How does one get out of this predicament? Simple: turn to the hills from whence cometh your ever present help and take those aged old personal steps to heal thyself. What are they and how are they to be applied?

The cult of political and other dependency must be recognised and called out for what it is. Once this is done the next step is to retreat into a place of solitude (which can be right in your home; office or motor vehicle) and analyse precisely what it is that you wish for the rest of your life. It is that simple.

Too many of us have nothing of value because we do not stop to take the time to conceptualise a plan of action or set tangible goals for our personal and professional lives. We are in many cases, too lazy to think constructively and would prefer, indeed, even demand, that others think and act for us.

The average clergy person is able to spout all sorts of theological doctrine and to pontificate about “the word of God” but they themselves know next to nothing, I submit, about spiritual principles. For instance the most simple of spiritual principle is the 10 per cent rule.

I am not necessarily talking about tithing, even though this is also an invariable principle of the highest order. What I am postulating is that this 10 per cent principle has worked for Jehovah since creation and it will, surely work for mere human beings who were created and made in the image of God Himself (or if you prefer Herself).

In the most simple of forms most of us work (or beg) for a livable income. We live from hand to mouth and fail to invest along the 10 per cent spiritual principle. 10 per cent of whatever income you earn or beg must be deposited into an interest bearing account, no matter the rate being paid by the financial institution.

Of course, I would recommend that one deposit his/her 10 per cent into a reputable financial institution which pays the highest available rate. These funds are not to be wasted on day-to-day living but rather accumulated for strict investment purposes in real estate; stocks and annuities.

Another 10 per cent must be invested in you to provide for your necessary recreation; reading material; vacation and the like. Life was meant to be enjoyed and there is no sense in hoarding your money, whatever it might be, and not taking out regular time to enjoy it. From this 10 per cent you’d go out to a nice restaurant or enjoy the occasional movie and vacation.

Yet another 10 per cent should be reserved for times of necessity and emergencies. Life often throws curve balls and when they come we are totally unprepared and become stressed out. When then either go crazy; abuse our loved ones and even resort to suicide.

Live on 50 per cent of your income and strictly adhere to the above spiritual principle. It is a strange fact but a real one in that the more we earn or beg the more extravagant our life style becomes. Strategise now and live larger tomorrow and not the other way around.

Lastly, get a simple jar, a transparent one, and each day put a dollar or more into it. Get into the daily routine of putting all of your spare coins and paper money into this 10 per cent or more jar. It is the ritual or habit of accumulating money that will, eventually, pay off.

Yes, dear friends, you have the inherent power to move your personal life forward in 2013. You also have the power to divest yourself of personal and professional associates who are negative and are always placing obstacles in your life. If they do not wish to change, you are able to change. The Fourth Dimension will always be with us, so long as The Master continues to tarry, but, you have been admonished: “Physician heal thyself.”



December 27, 2012.


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