The issue most deserving of referendum

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In the midst of all the hysteria surrounding the soon to be held opinion poll for the legalization of the illegal numbers racket, cloaked in the disguise of a referendum, the populace and the clergy in particular have seemingly lost sight of the issue most deserving of and what would constitute a genuine and legal referendum, the upgrading of women’s rights in the Bahamas to the same status of those enjoyed by our men.

When this issue was last put to the vote under the FNM government it was so politicized that it was doomed to failure from the outset, although I still find it mindboggling that Bahamian women could have done themselves such a disservice.

Now instead of dirty politics it is the lure of dirty money which has once again derailed this vitally needed change to our Constitution, one that would put an end to the blatant discrimination currently practised and put our women on par with those in the rest of the civilized world.

But then such is the cultural uniqueness of our people, and as an old friend of mine is wont to say “They won’t let you down Mabes, they won’t disappoint you.”



January 7, 2013


sansoucireader 11 years, 3 months ago

As a Bahamian woman married to a non-Bahamian man going on 25 years I'm glad to read this letter and note that I'm not along in this observation. Supporters of the Yes/No crowds very vocal talking about discrimination, their rights etc. but what about discrimination against the FEMALE segment of the population? This is sad.


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