JUST IN: 75 straw vendors suspended from market

Almost 75 Straw Vendors have been suspended from the Straw Market until they can bring their license fees out of arrears, according to the market's chairman Ron Pinder.

Mr Pinder, who heads the Straw Market Authority, said the vendors have not been evicted, but will not be able to sell their wares out of the Straw Market until they have settled their accounts.

"Their licenses are simply suspended until they bring their accounts current," he said.

"These are persons we have requested over and repeatedly to come and make arrangements to bring their fees current and they have not, so this is the last step. If they enter a payment agreement today, their stalls will be open today."


B_I_D___ 11 years, 3 months ago

Good!! Now you all need to address all the street vendors, and the tent city that always pops up in RMBailey park.


242 11 years, 3 months ago

While the numbers play on..... Now who gonna march to protect these people jobs?


JohnDoe 11 years, 3 months ago

Why should they pay their fees when the government, none other the the PM himself, has essentially said that as long as an activity, legal or illegal, is providing employment society should not interfere.


Ironvelvet 11 years, 3 months ago

Once again, Bahamians believe rules and laws are just suggestions. If I'm not mistaken the fee is only $35 per week.

I'm glad that some reinforcement of regulation was done.


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