To the person who stole our car

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Please grant me some space to speak openly to the individual(s) who stole our car earlier this month.

In this the fortieth year of Bahamian independence, it is a time to reflect why and when our forefathers opened the door for all Bahamians to have an opportunity to be the greatest people that they can be in this country.

However, we have people like you who have chosen to take the easy way out, and chosen to not be a man.

You have chosen to be a community parasite and not be responsible enough to grow up to be a credit to your community, your nation or to God.

You see ”thief”, real men find work, even when things get tough, and no matter how menial, they find a legitimate day’s work for legitimate pay, and not take from others what they have worked hard for. Real men get themselves educated and they pursue admirable dreams of being somehow worthy to their community.

Real men have integrity and character; they don’t bow down at the idol of quick money, and don’t resort to making it any which way they can. It takes real courage to be a man, and to do what is right, by respecting and looking out for other people and their property.

Real men have mothers (and fathers) who are proud of them because it means they listened to their parents, and learned to be honest and responsible young adults.

You have disrespected your own parents and family, and all of those who tried to bring you up to be a law-abiding citizen, all for your own greed and selfishness.

I pray for you “thief” that whoever you are, you get caught, and your face is shown on national television with you in chains, being led to the courthouse for all to see as everything that makes this country deplorable. I also pray that your family who will see you be ashamed of you for your actions and I pray that your community sees who you are, and what you have become; an embarrassment to your family, to your local community, to your country, and to the God in whose image you were supposedly created.

There is nothing heroic, strong or brave about being a common thief because real men don’t possess that kind of weak, immature spirit.

Real men find ways of building up their country and not destroying it through acts such as larceny.

Finally, I hope you got what you were looking for, and you find it was worth it because one day you will get what is coming to you, either in this life, or the next. May God have mercy on your soul(s), and may you one day find repentance in Him for your despicable way of life before it’s too late.



June 3, 2013.


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