Words, words, words

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WORDS Words Words - In the Guardian of Saturday March 29, the PM says the Government will “Smother and Suffocate” crime.

How many words have been spoken about solving the horrendous crime situation in the Bahamas - thousands? Millions? But has anything actually happened? No. It is time the Government stopped talking and took some actions – how about some foreign policemen for example. (But we do not want to upset the voters).

However, the time is long past to worry about upsetting the voters on a number of issues – it is the survival of the Bahamas as a credible country that is at stake.

We need some strong governing and less pussyfooting – forget new Parliament buildings, something that is perhaps necessary in the future but for now is just a smoke screen.

It would be most helpful if the Government would stop talking and let us judge the results of many issues by their actions. Urban renewal for example where they boasted about getting a $1,000,000 donation - but what is happening?



March 29, 2014.


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