Everyone should pay their bills

EDITOR, The Tribune.

As I read the newspapers each and every day, I am becoming extremely concerned about our country. As the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and various MP’s all seem to be living in LA-LA Land or a world of fantasy.

For supposedly, these men and women that are running our country, are educated and experienced enough to run a country. But from what is happening on a daily basis and the verbal garbage that is coming from their mouths, along with their actions, makes one wonder.

The inaction concerning The Bank of the Bahamas, the misinformation or non-existing information on VAT, the interference in private businesses from our Prime Minister and politicians, regardless of what their defenders are putting out there, to the endless spending of money we do not have, on ridiculous travel and various commissions to look into whatever they cannot figure out for themselves and to take the blame away from the powers that be, all has become a huge embarrassment for our country.

Obviously, the leaders in our country today, believe that we are back in the dark ages and the people will just sit back and allow them to do as they choose with our future. I suggest to them that they will be very sorry in a very short period of time to find out they are very wrong, with this type of thinking, when the people rise up and put them out of office.

Everyone, including our leaders and their friends must pay their bills, as the everyday man is expected to pay their bills, no exceptions and that special list had better get shredded sooner rather than later.

It is now time for the politicians to show that they are worthy of the trust that has been placed in them and stop with the charades.



March 27, 2014.


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