Show pride in white Bahamians

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I write this letter with regard to remarks made by Leslie Miller in the House of Assembly on March 19, 2014 with respect to the renaming of streets in Nassau.

He said that streets should be named for persons who have “put the Bahamas on the map”, ie Prime Minister Pindling, Cecil Wallace Whitfield, and a few others (all black).

For example, regarding Prince Charles Drive, he said that why should we name a street Prince Charles Drive as Prince Charles as he has nothing for the Bahamas.

You may know that in most Commonwealth countries, streets are named for British monarchs ie, King Street, Duke Street.

I am a Bahamian (black) and I was really appalled at his remarks.

It appears that race has to come into everything that the Government does.

We do have white Bahamians who deserve to have something named in their honour ie, Roland Symonette was the first Premier of the Bahamas, Durward Knowles and Basil Kelly were the first to win gold medals in sporting events for the Bahamas.

Just think about this: how many white Bahamians (with the exception of the Betty Kenning swimming complex) have been shown appreciation for their great contributions to the Bahamian society?



March 24, 2014.


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