Get hooked on fish and stay healthy!

By Dr Betty Adderley

PEOPLE who were forced to take cod liver oil as children probably remember their mothers saying the evil tasting stuff was good for them.

This practice has long since diminished and dismissed as an old wife’s tale by many, but researchers today believe that fish oil can prevent heart attacks and lower blood pressure; and that it may alleviate migraine headaches, arthritis, some allergies, strokes, cancer and possibly more.
The oil in fish known as omega. Omega-3 fatty acids thin blood clotting that can trigger heart attacks and strokes.

Fish is one food where fattier is healthier and that is because the fatter the fish the more omega-3 it contains.

Mackerel, herrings, sardines, trout, salmon, turbot, bass and swordfish are rich in omega.
To preserve the most omega from the fish, best results would be obtained when fish is boiled, broiled, poached or lightly saut�ed; avoid frying if possible .

The benefits of fish oil was first discovered in the early 1970s when Danish scientists studied the diet of the Eskimos who eat plenty of fish rich in omega oil.

It was shown that those who had known cases of heart problems had reports of tremendous improvement. However, more evidence was published by the New England Journal of Medicine.

A particular study by Dutch researchers traced the results of just over a 100 men for five years who ate one ounce of fish daily. At the end of the survey, it was discovered that these men were half as likely to have heart attacks than those who rarely ate fish.
Another study done at the Oregon State Health Science Centre found that feeding people omega-3 in pill form sharply reduces the fat that can build up and block the arteries leading to the heart. An article published in one of the local daily papers on April 2, 1996, stated that two recent studies had suggested that eating more oil-rich fish can help reduce the damage done to the lungs by smoking.
As Bahamians, we are not widely exposed to fish rich in omega-3 oil. It is therefore wise to supplement with a high quality product. Not every omega-3 advertised on the market yields the desired result.

Omega-3 fish oil is also beneficial to arthritic pain and gout. Omega is considered a natural food supplement that many Bahamians have added to their diet plan and are getting good results from.

• For more information on how to obtain natural health and beauty products, contact Dr Betty Adderley at 361- 543 , or e-mail bett_on@yahoo.com.


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