Change the wording

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Thanks again for allowing me this space. Now about this matter of the proposed sex/gender equality referendum; I wish to clear the air at once, and specifically on that for equality and rights of women.

This writer for a very long time has supported such a law, and had voted yes to all questions on that failed referendum which was held here in The Bahamas, under the former administration (FNM) and preceding the 2002 general election; and now this one, to take place later this year 2014, Watch D is of the same determination, for its layout is similar to that previous referendum, however, a warning is in order and given by me in addition I concur with the DNA leader that certain wordings should be changed in this upcoming referendum.

Watch D perceives as it now stands, if not reconstructed leaves the door wide open/and certain clauses, if not clarified paves the way for same sex marriages, very soon or in the future. The Bahamas don’t need this and should never allow it. Just review Watch D’s article (letters to the editor) in The Tribune of April 22, 2014, titled “The homosexual and bisexual plague”, one would understand.

Therefore in scrutiny of that announcement coming from our Prime Minister, earlier in the week and made over the local news media, which consisted of that he, Mr Christie has been legally and through a lawyer(s) advised that the present structure of the referendum is all right, is or could only be a type of smoke screen, so that most persons would have the wrong understanding of the mater, whereby missing the hidden negativity areas of the bill.

Watch D says change the wordings and make very simple the intention or/and its potential consequences.

Now returning to the earlier remarks of this debate where the Prime Minister was advised that the referendum is all right as is. Where did that legal/lawyer advice come from?

Maybe it came from some higher ups or command within, or a so-called overseer of the Government? Let us remember that on national TV Cable 11, on Friday evening August 8, 2014, our national Security Minister, Dr Bernard Nottage mentioned that this referendum should be made very simple for the Bahamian people to understand, and/or if there were doubts, etc, from the masses, then the referendum should not go forward.

So again, one is hoping the advice given to Mr Christie came from a truly non-partisan and independent source. Change the wordings.



August 9, 2014.


TheMadHatter 9 years, 8 months ago

Perhaps it would be better if we simply ADMITTED that as a nation we have not yet matured sufficiently to understand and agree to complete 100% gender equality?

I mean, don't pretend to be something that you are not. Don't waste time with having a referendum on something that the majority of Bahamians have not yet accepted. It does seem a little strange, however, that a country born out of slavery where people were treated VERY unequally - would end up producing a crop of people who themselves do not wish to allow equality for others.

Could the Bahamians of today be not much different from the slave masters of yesterday?

Just admit that we have a little dash of Saudi Arabia in us, and move on.

Toss the idea out the window, and try again in another 20 years after all the politicians from 1967 (whose names are still in power now) have all passed on.



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