Is now the time for Brent Symonette to lead the FNM?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I have sat back quietly watching this race within the FNM between our leader Dr Hubert Minnis and our deputy leader Loretta Butler-Turner.

There is no need for us to sugar coat it, we all know Dr Minnis does not have what it takes to win a general election. The man is as lost as the day is long. He simply doesn’t have it. With him leading the FNM, we stand no chance of winning in 2017.

Mrs Butler-Turner will face the battle of having to prove herself first to FNMs and then to the voting public at large. And with a divided FNM, there is little chance that the party would have healed enough to be a united force to defeat Perry Christie and this bumbling PLP administration.

Which leads me to ponder on Brent Symonette.

His commitment to this country is well documented, and he has served the Bahamas well.

He is a man of passion who understands business – far better than our Parliament, which is filled with lawyers and doctors. Mr Symonette has carried the scourge of being a successful white-Bahamian (by far the easiest punching bag in this country today). Only in the Bahamas can someone’s wealth be used against him in such a fashion.

But let’s look at his merits.

He is successful.

He is driven.

He is committed.

He is an FNM through and through.

He is a team player, and a son of the soil.

He is seasoned.

He has served at the right hand of Hubert Alexander Ingraham, learning from him every step of the way.

New FNMs and old FNMs love him.

Politics to Brent Symonette is not about money; it is about serving his country, making it better for all Bahamians. He doesn’t do it for the money – because quite frankly, he doesn’t need. He could have stayed behind the scenes and donated money. Instead, he stepped into the fray, like his father before him, and chose public service.

His record of national service is the envy of most, and his respect in the international community is without question.

I for one would be proud to have Brent Symonette as our next Prime Minister. Not because he is a successful white businessman – but because he is a Bahamian who can get the job done.

He has done so before, and can do again – if we simply gave him the chance.

Maybe it is time for us to not look outside of the party for our next leader, but rather to remember that we have great leaders in waiting.



November 3, 2014


ThisIsOurs 9 years, 6 months ago

He awarded a contract to himself (his kids). That's enough for me. He showed that he has the same mindset as the more slimy crew, he could use his powers to benefit himself, his family or friends and think nothing of it. and he's mega rich! On a level far surpassing the others, he didn't even need to..

The Bahamas is small, yes and stuff like that will happen, but there's an approval process to remove the appearance of impropriety.

If everyone n high office in government walked thinking everything I do needs to be questioned and all money I'm given has to be accounted for we'd do better as a nation


Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 6 months ago

I can think of many a much more "purer" white man who would do a far superior job at turning our country back from the point of oblivion and running it the way it should be run for the benefit of all Bahamians as opposed to the select few. Brent Symonette's family continues to achieve (outside of politics) great wealth on the backs of poor Bahamian families. His family's interest alone in everything that comes through the Arawak Cay Port ensures poorer Bahamians will continue to be oppressed for generations to come!


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