Are we in breach of our Constitution?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

With all the talk on Immigration, I wanted to fully refresh my understanding, as to Who and How and the process of a person born in The Bahamas after July 7, 1973, who was under 18 years can obtain Citizenship.

Article: 7 (1) page 18 very clearly states as follows:-

A person born in The Bahamas after July 9, 1973, neither of whose parents are a citizen of The Bahamas, shall be entitled, upon making applications on attaining the age of eighteen years or within twelve months thereafter, in such manner as may be prescribed, to be registered as a citizen of The Bahamas.

Provided that if he or she is a citizen of some country other than The Bahamas, he shall not be entitled to be registered as a citizen of The Bahamas under this Article, unless he renounces his citizenship of that other country, takes the oath of allegiance and makes and registers, such declaration of his intentions concerning residence as may be prescribed.

With the current Immigration exercise in full swing, are we fully compliant with the provisions incorporated in this Article: 7, or are we disregarding the rights of such people?

I am fully supportive of, if you have no status and no Passport and have taken no effort to resolve that, then you should be liable to deportation.



November 3, 2014.


duppyVAT 9 years, 5 months ago

If your non-Bahamian parents are here legally, you can apply at 18........... its a moot point if your parents are illegal ......... you take their status. Couple that with the law of one parent being Bahamian and Article 14.1, it can become a bit complicated for sure.


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