Proud to make history

EDITOR, The Tribune.

There have been a lot of letters and articles about who should lead the Free National Movement in 2015 and beyond.

Some of them are nice and supportive and some are tinged with a bit of dirt-throwing, but despite all that, the beauty of this upcoming leadership campaign is that a woman is running! And whether she wins or not I am so proud that my party is the first to have a women do this.

In today’s Bahamas, women are still classed as second-class citizens in legal terms as we do not have equal rights for our children or husbands.

It’s a sad fact that successive governments have not changed this as of yet.

But, despite this and the negative comments made by some men and women when equality for women is brought up, I have not seen anyone say that Loretta Butler-Turner SHOULD NOT RUN BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN. Of this I am very proud!

Entering “politricks” – as it is often called – is not for the faint of heart. For the amazing women, within any party, who have already done this I am in awe and totally impressed by their fortitude, but I am thrilled that the first woman to stand for leadership has been in the FNM.

Sure a few men have started a negative conversation with me with, “Sarah it’s not that Loretta is a woman” - which I feel is an unfortunate sign that the issue could be just that – but no one has actually said she should not run.

And in Grand Bahama, the stalwart men of our party all agreed that she has the right to address our party, as the current leader did recently.

Working in the FNM since the 1990s I have always felt embraced, no matter my colour, my sex or my opinion on a subject. Of this our party should stand so very proud.

Sure I want Loretta to become Leader as I, like many thousands of Bahamians, men and women, are keen followers and admirers of her tenacity, style and love for our country.

But no matter how everything plays out, I think all of us have won already as on November 21st we will make history for women in The Bahamas.

And of that I am TRULY proud!


Marco City FNM,

GB FNM Women’s Member

November 12, 2014.


countryfirst 9 years, 5 months ago

LBT is the one playing the gender card our politicians always play some sort of card for over forty years they played the race card which have us in this sorry state today.Lets talk about the real issues like crime,unemployment,illegal immigration,political kickbacks,healthcare,education,infrastructure and how we are going to fix them nothing else really matters.


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