Dr Rollins loves to row

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Dr Rollins has Long Island relatives, my people, too; and, unless I am greatly misinformed, Candia is related as well.

Dr Rollins loves to row – just for the hell of it! He had some relatives who were undoubtedly the rowdiest people in Long Island: used to keep the same row going for weeks, probably even months! Usually in the late-afternoons/early evenings, when the day’s weeding tasks were done, and when all else was quiet before the hills to the east of the settlement began to reverberate with the sounds of semi-wild goats in their mating orgies.

For some reason, the relative I’m remembering now would always open the next chapter of her feud with the words: “Ah well!” And then it would continue from there.

I remember the opening paragraph of one particular episode:-

“Ah well! Your nose so big Mack Ferguson’s truck could go through one hole, turn round and come out through the next!”

And then came the classic response: “Well, it een my fault: if it was up to me it’ll be so sharp, you’d be able to use it to pick a pickle out ya ----!”

So Dr Rollins is rowing; he needs to row; he enjoys rowing! From his point of view, the worst thing the PLP could do would be to ignore him.

So ignore him!

If I were the PLP I’d leave him be; exactly where he is; let him twist in the wind. If he’s put out of the party his departure would involve some dignity. Leave him be and he’d eventually slink away when people become bored with his harangues.

He is “self-flagellative”: the momentary sweetness of his harangues far outweigh the inevitable negative fallout that he knows will result from them. He knows that it’s too late to repair the breach: he’s simply playing out the denouement.

I suspect that one way or other, Dr Rollins will depart the PLP. And it would be very surprising if even the FNM would then agree to let him in…..although I haven’t seen any wisdom emanating from that quarter in a good while! He won’t be welcomed by the DNA, either: he would have too many competitors there; too many others vying for the same pinhead.

But, meanwhile, Dr Rollins is still able to attract headlines; and as long as that lasts, he won’t be denied. You can’t threaten Dr Rollins; you can’t humiliate him; you can’t cause him to apologize; you can’t coax him; appeal to him; pressure him; frighten him!

It’ll be a cold day in hell before you’ll get Dr Rollins to apologise. If you see him do that then you could be certain that he would have gone crazy!

Come to think of it……….!



Grand Bahama,

October 17, 2014.


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