Tired of the nonsense

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Okay, enough misinformation about homosexuality. Most Bahamians unfortunately do not read and have no desire in furthering their knowledge about most things. They just readily accept what their leaders say as gospel which is dangerous and sad. It also places a greater moral obligation on leaders to help further develop our country and dispel some of the ignorance surrounding many of today’s issues.

Myles Monroe’s comments were not just irresponsible but very inaccurate. Homosexuality is very much a part of normal, natural human behaviour. As a matter of fact, it is a normal part of nature. There are very many well-documented and studies of homosexual behaviour in animals, in almost every species from primates to worms.

Would Monroe also consider homosexual flamingoes or spiders unnatural? It is nature and his failure to accept or understand really will not change this. It is what is…simple. Homosexuality has been a part of every human culture in one form or another since the dawn of time and it will exist until the end of time.

Archeologists have found evidence of same sex relationships dating as far back as 3000 years BC. Homosexuals will not cause the extinction of mankind this is just plain ridiculous and I am surprised an educated man like Munroe would make such an ignorant statement. (That was laughable).

Credible science believes that there may be the possibility that it in fact encourages the growth of our species.
Homosexuality like heterosexuality is not a choice or a preference, it is a sexual orientation. No one wakes up one morning during puberty and decides “ummmm, gay sounds good”. To believe this is just plain stupid and an indication of a closed mind and your unwillingness to think objectively. Take a look at what the world’s most prestigious organisations (the real experts) have to say on the matter after decades of study. American Psychiatric Association, World Health Organisation, Chinese Society of Psychiatry, Royal College of Psychiatrists, National Institute of Mental Health, American Academy of Paediatrics, American Psychological Association, Australian Psychological Society. I will make it easy for you; here are two links where you can find all the information you need. All you have to do is click and it’s free: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality#
Demographics and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals.

After you have read this (and you do not have to read all. Take your time, read at your leisure). Then decide what your position is on the subject but to continue on and on in ignorance and darkness (when you have all this information at your fingertips) makes no sense. To rely on the likes of Monroe and others for information that will shape your opinions and your world is doing yourself a grave injustice.

They are in your homes, your schools your churches, your office, your sports club, your government. They are your doctors, your nurses, your teachers, your pastors, your politicians and your friends and they are not going anywhere. They are here to stay regardless of how much you hate. They have no “agenda“ other than existing like everyone else and fear and hatred of homosexuals is ignorant and outdated.

We should be celebrating the differences in people; there is too much hate in the world. You would think after 200,000 years of modern mankind would have come to the realisation that the world is made up of many different people. 2000 years ago a man walked the earth trying to teach us to love one another. 2000 later we still hating one another but now we do it in His name. Is it any surprise the country, the world is in the mess it’s in? Grow up people, educate yourselves you can do it on your cell phone.



September 2, 2014.


Jonahbay 9 years, 7 months ago

Finally some sense is being made in Nassau... I feel the nation is on a slippery slope and is very close to becoming the land that time and evolution forgot. It is unfortunate that too many people are illiterate and will miss this timely message.


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