FNM made wrong choice

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It is more than clear after the debate in the House of Assembly today that the FNM chose the wrong leader at its convention last year. Loretta Butler Turner was excellent in the debate. She was confident and on-point and she didn’t back down when PLPs got up and attacked her.

Her speech was wonderful and full of all kinds of facts. The PLP is so afraid of her. She reminds me of how Hubert Ingraham used to take on the PLP back in the day. The PLPs kept jumping out of their seats like Jack-in-the-Box every time she pushed their buttons.

Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchombe had a fit. Damien Gomez got up and talked foolishness for so long that people in my office didn’t know what he was talking about. It’s amazing how some people who think they are so smart can be so stupid. But Loretta put him in his place.

Then FNM Leader Hubert Minnis got up to talk after Loretta. He was not good at all. He was so boring that even the PLPs in the House were tuning him out. For the life of me I still can’t understand why the FNM chose Hubert Minnis instead of Loretta. She is obviously the better choice.



April 29, 2015.


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