Michelle Miller Motivational: Finding joy and personal fulfillment

By Michelle M Miller

Like many, you too may experience times in your life when you’re seeking something, but are unsure what of what it is.

The holiday season can be a daunting time for those secretly hoping that this will be the year that they experience more meaning and fulfilment.

Indeed, despite the hustle and bustle of this exciting time of year, real joy and fulfilment often remain absent.

However, if you were to take a deeper look you will find they often lie in the simple things.

It is the meaning behind the notion that the best things in life are free. If this is so, why are such meaningful things so difficult for people to find?

Joy and fulfilment are elusive mostly because due to people’s perceptions of what really matters. In a world of material pursuits, people have are driven by extrinsic motivations, which suggest that joy will come after things are acquired.

The problem is that even after pushing hard to get the things, satisfaction remains temporary and the chase for something else then begins.

We don’t need to be rocket scientists to recognise that this strategy isn’t working. It is not the path to joy and personal fulfilment.

The key to joy and fulfilment is to understand that they are intrinsic qualities. You must first decide that you want to live a joy-filled life of meaning. To do this you must redefine what really matters to you.

For example, buying an expensive pair of shoes should not matter more than walking in a purpose-driven direction. Although many people do it, there is really no point to investing in expensive shoes if you are not taking your life anywhere.

Life is not a spectator’s sport. Sitting on the sidelines watching time pass you by is not the intention for which you were born. Living a more fulfilling life starts by knowing who you really are and moving your life in the right direction.

By ‘right’ I mean specific. You cannot experience the sunrise if you are heading westward instead of eastward.

Joy and fulfilment, especially this time of year, is what makes Christmas memorable and magical. Consider doing some things differently in order to have a meaningful experience. Read more books instead of just watching television, because unless your TV is helping you clarify and or realise your life vision, it is just a major distraction.

Why not seek out non-fiction books that help you expand your mind and deepen your appreciation of this thing called life. An expanded mind set enables you to open up to new possibilities. You will be more willing to make changes in your life. Most people quickly settle for the status quo; unknowing surrendering to a close-minded life. Whereas on the flip side, when you keep an open mind you engender more interesting and exciting experiences that keeps you growing.

Joy is defined as the feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Personal fulfilment is the achievement of something desired or pursued. In a sense, they are both the outpouring of feelings deep within and are the results of living an active, intentional life. It’s about living a life that really matters.

More than this, meaningful pursuits help you develop a sense of adventure. Imagine what you like would be like if you took the time to understand the reason you are moving in certain directions. Those who live a life of purpose realise that life holds many amazing discoveries, but only if they are willing to take the road less travelled.

What about you, what new discoveries will this Christmas bring to you? Will you live your truth by engaging in the things that really matter? What will bring joy and fulfilment to your life?

Despite its seeming craziness, this holiday season will soon pass and another new year will begin. What will different for you? Will you continue to play the same old joyless soundtrack or will you engage your power to change your life?

Leader to leader, the real secret to joy and fulfilment is not a secret – it is coming to a bigger understanding about who you are and the power that lies within. You can use your power to scope out a joy-filled life or you can allow your power to remain dormant and settle for the status quo. But we know that status quo living is not the by-product of an empowered life.

You can do better than this. So here’s my Christmas wish for you…

May you develop a broader understanding of what really matters; using your inborn power to the light up joy in the hearts of those that you are privileged to meet. And finally, may you come to know that you are the gift that you give to the world.

When we each let our lights shine, together we make a brighter, more joyous world, and this season becomes more than just the season to be jolly. Instead, it becomes an amazing opportunity to discover the magical joy that leads to an empowered and fulfilling life.

What do you think? Please send your comments to coaching242@yahoo.com or call 429-6770.

• Michelle M Miller is a certified life coach and leadership expert. Visit www.michellemmiller.com or send mail to PO Box CB-13060


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