Govt must ban copper export

EDITOR, The Tribune.

By allowing copper export the PLP government is not encouraging the development of an industry but crime, a country exports what it produces, copper export is ridiculous, as far as I know The Bahamas does not produce copper.

In and around 2013 thieves ransacked our family business stripping it of all copper to the refrigeration and air conditioning systems causing not only a great loss in the copper but rendering the equipment useless for production and resale.

On the VAT issue, Consumer Beware; now the bank is also charging 7.5 per cent at the ATM to withdraw my own hard-earned money!

The next general election cannot come soon enough. God have mercy!



February 24, 2015.


proudloudandfnm 9 years, 2 months ago

So the actual problem is the fact that Bahamas Customs does not properly examine export cargo and our solution is to ban export of a commodity thereby harming the innocent business folk who insist on doing things properly?

Will the Bahamas ever be smart?


Sickened 9 years, 2 months ago

The solution is to stick a copper pipe through the brain of anyone caught stealing it.


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