Man shot by police officer at nightclub dies in hospital

A MAN who was shot by a police officer at a Faith Avenue nightclub on Tuesday night has died in hospital.

According to police reports, the officer was at a nightclub on Faith Avenue north around 8.30pm when he received a report of an adult male at the rear of the club with a firearm.

"The officer went to the rear of the club, where he saw a man who pointed an object at him," the police report said. "The officer ordered the male to drop the object but he refused to do so. The officer, being in fear of his life, shot the suspect with his police-issued firearm. The suspect was transported to hospital, where he later succumbed to his injuries."

The identity of the victim is being withheld until next of kin have been notified. The Coroner is currently investigating this matter.

Full story in tomorrow's Tribune


ThisIsOurs 9 years ago

I "hope" this story is true. Too many black men are dead in the US with lies told about what they did to provoke police officers. I hope this was not a case of an officer involved in a "normal" argument, using his gun and shield to cover his out of control emotions. I hope not. I thought I heard the officer was off duty at the time, is that correct?

If he was really in fear for his life I apologize.

DEDDIE 9 years ago

We could assume that the object pointed was not a gun because the police would have emphasis that a gun was pointed. The key question is how much people will point an object at a police who has a gun pointed at them (not many).An officer would never report " I panick and started shooting."Cases like these always favor the police.

TruePeople 9 years ago

Ya the key here is the guy who get shot didn't have a gun

Sickened 9 years ago

I hope it wasn't a white policeman who shot the black man. If so, then we can expect our youth to copy the U.S. and riot and burn down their own neighborhoods.

UserOne 9 years ago

For heaven's sake, this is The Bahamas, not the United States. Blacks are not a minority here and we don't have white police officers.

Sickened 9 years ago

Only a fool would continue holding anything thing in their hands after a policeman draws a weapon and tells you to drop the object in your hands.

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