A real fan of attic cooling

Summer is approaching, and we all know that high temperatures in the Bahamas can become uncomfortable to say the least. We also know that higher temperatures mean higher cooling costs. Some of us who were afraid of those high energy costs all year will nonetheless dust off our air conditioners and put them to work. One of the biggest enemies of our overworked air conditioners in this climate is poor ventilation.

We know summer means longer days, more sun and warmer temperatures. If heat is not vented from your attic properly, it builds up and causes problems in your home. Living spaces become hot and uncomfortable, and air conditioning units work harder to keep rooms cool. Our utility costs rise due to increased energy demands, while our roof structures and materials deteriorate.

A Solar Attic Fan solves these problems by removing excess heat from your home, giving you a more comfortable interior and lower energy bills. They do this while running from the sun’s power for free.

Did you know rainy weather often triggers leaks and structural decay in your roof? Also, the moisture accumulation in your roof causes mold and fungus to grow, which damages your insulation and framing materials, and weakens internal structures. When coupled with excess humidity from showers, humidifiers and dishwashers, this can be a serious concern for homeowners. A Solar Attic Fan prevents these issues by equalising interior and exterior temperatures, safeguarding your home from the worst of the rainy season.

Heat and moisture are your home’s enemies. Just because you cannot see them does not mean they are not there, hiding in your attic and causing damage. There is no need for a noisy old-style turbine vent to tackle them. Solar Attic Fans neutralise moisture and drive out heat, keeping your home cool in summer and protecting it from harm during the rainy months.

So remember, during the upcoming hot summer months, when your attic can reach temperatures of up to 160°F, your home does not have to be warm and uncomfortable. A Solar Attic Fan extracts the heat from your attic for free, keeping the temperature and your AC bills down.

• NB: Jason Mortimer BSE, CIPM is general manager for SuperGreen Solutions Bahamas, located on Wulf Road next to FYP. SuperGreen Solutions is a supplier and installer of domestic and commercial energy efficient solutions. Its founders have been in the energy efficiency industry for more than 19 years.


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