Short term gain for Minnis

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In moving with haste and secrecy to bring into the FNM fold two rather sullied rejects of the PLP, Dr Minnis has yet again placed his own short term political interests above those of both party and country.

Thinking FNMs will be horrified by the untenable and frankly absurd position that Minnis’ latest ruse has left the party in. Having presented evidence of apparent maladministration on the part of Renward Wells in executing a Letter of Intent with a foreign entity, the party then turns around and, in a shameless volte face, proposes to give him one of the most important Cabinet portfolios. All of this without Wells having ever fully explained himself.

This is not the first demonstration on the part of Hubert Minnis that he is unfit to lead the FNM, but hopefully it will be among the last.

One thing is for certain. Under Minnis’ dreadful, clueless and incompetent leadership, the FNM is certain to lose the next election miserably. It is long past time to remove him.



November 16, 2015.


proudloudandfnm 8 years, 5 months ago

Very good letter. Minnis is not the FNM I grew up with. Amazes me how the FNM seems to be on a mission to self destruct. And the sheep that are going along with it shocks me. People I have known and trusted for years are sheep! And all for a man that personifies the word MEDIOCRE......

Very sad to see today's FNM.


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