Difference between a leader and a politician

EDITOR, The Tribune

The average Bahamian citizen is viewed as nothing more than a pawn on a chessboard, often used simply to advance the political agenda of one side or the other with the majority becoming casualties or collateral damage.

Allow me to put it in simpler terms. A politician’s main concern is how to acquire power and having done so, how to manipulate this power to his or her advantage.

It is he or she who determines who gets power, when they get it, how much they get and even, where and in which circumstances it can be used.

With that said, a leader, is more concerned about providing the resources and opportunities to those he or she is tasked with leading.

A leader works to empower their constituents irrespective of class, race, sex, age, wealth or political affiliations.

Leaders give an ear to the unheard and provide a platform for those who believe they are voiceless.

Unlike power obsessed politicians, leaders are more interested in serving the people while ensuring that they grow and transform emotionally, intellectually, financially and socially.

Leaders, at the end of the day, make a difference in the lives of those they lead.



September 3, 2015.


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