Portion distortion – Start losing weight

By Christine Carey

FOOD and drink portions have increased dramatically since the 1980s. Even recipes list larger serving sizes than ever before. In a 1960s’ version of “The Joy of Cooking,” a brownie recipe served 30. Now the exact same recipe serves only 16!

The allure of a “better value” has sucked us into buying large quantities of huge portions on a regular basis. The effect on waistlines everywhere has been catastrophic. Most people encounter oversized portions every day.

Are you a member of the clean plate club? Although your parents may have encouraged you to finish all your food when you were younger, modern instances where this is healthy or necessary are few and far between. How much we eat is all too often dependent on how much we are served. The more on our plate, the more we eat – bigger portions can cause people to eat 30 per cent to 50 per cent more than they usually would.

Portion control tips

• Use smaller containers. Separate leftovers into single serving containers so you’re less tempted to eat all the remains.

• Have a salad before your meal. It will curb your appetite and give you a sense of satiety.

• Split an entrée with a friend. When eating out, ask a friend to share a single entrée.

• Buy or make single serving snacks. You can easily portion out a large container of almonds into individual bags. You’ll be less likely to go back for another baggie than reach in for another handful.

• Keep seconds out of sight. Leave the food in the kitchen to avoid refill temptations.

• Have mini meals throughout the day. This will keep you satisfied and decrease the urge to eat large portions at traditional mealtimes.

• All health content in this article is provided for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional.

Christine is a certified holistic health coach (www.christine-carey.com), operating partner at Liquid Nutrition (www.liquidnutrition.com) and director of Corporate Wellness at 242 Consulting

(www.242consulting.com). With over ten years of coaching experience, Ms Carey works with individuals and groups to assess and define their health and lifestyle goals with a strong focus on increasing knowledge and implementing tools for success.


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