Farewell to a kindred spirit

EDITOR, The Tribune.

On Saturday, I lost a kindred spirit – a sister in every way but biologically.

Mrs Thompson lost her fight to a debilitating lung disorder after many years, having lived, in many respects, a glorious life.

An undaunted spirit, she was always optimistic, no matter how concerned she may have been about the bad ideas being implemented with public policy. Economics was a subject she loved dearly. In fact, being around her one could not help but become fascinated by what most people refer to as ”the dismal science”.

You might say that Mrs Thompson is to blame for my interest in Liberty or Freedom. Back in 1994, I think it was, she gave me a copy of Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson and it opened my eyes to the scarcity of reasonable public policy.

On my last visit with Mrs Thompson, it was clear that the call would soon come to confirm that my dear friend had moved on.

Mrs Thompson was one of the prime movers of what came to be called The Nassau Institute. And the Board of Directors agreed to name its office, the Joan Thompson Room, as a lasting tribute to her memory. Quotations from some of her favourite economists will be displayed on the walls as well.

We also confirmed that we would name one of the lectures each year The Joan Thompson Freedom lecture.

She teared up a bit when told about these honours and quickly explained she appreciated them but was “not worthy”. Of course that was dispelled immediately.

As the late US President Ronald Reagan pointed out: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

Adequate words fail me in this sad time but I can confidently assert that Joan Thompson was the brightest light for freedom in The Bahamas from the over-indulgence of the state. I have lost a valued, respected and dear friend. She called me her “buddy”, and I admired her greatly.

I can also say that Mrs Thompson has charged us to continue to pursue our goal of creating a full-time economic think tank for The Bahamas. On my last visit she implored me to “get another woman on the board”.

Even though she was a diminutive lady, we’ve got some darn big shoes to fill.

Sail on Mrs Thompson. I will miss you my “buddy”.


The Nassau Institute,

September 6, 2015


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