Waste collection

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am a resident of Stapledon Gardens and sometime ago our garbage was collected on a weekly basis. For quite a while now, the garbage is being collected every other week. By this time, the garbage bins are running over into our yards, some bins are turned over and the dogs have a picnic.

I decided that the next time the truck comes to collect garbage, I would look on the truck for the company’s name and telephone number so that I could call to ascertain the reason for the switch. As soon as I heard the truck, I went to the window to retrieve the information and what a surprise I got, no company name and no telephone number on the dark brown truck.

How upset and disappointed I was. Can this be right? No information on the garbage truck! What are these people being paid for, weekly or bi-weekly pick-up? The people would like to know. No wonder the tourists say Nassau is dirty – because it is! To the persons responsible for the garbage collections: Please, please, have them return to the weekly garbage collection in the Stapledon Gardens area.



September 21, 2015.


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