Double vision on leaks

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Having allowed for the leak of private emails and financial information under the skirts of Parliament, Prime Minister Christie is now upset the Panama Papers disclosure will undermine our financial services industry?

Well blow me down! Does Mr Christie not see the irony of this?

The PLP government pulled all the stops in its disgraceful bid to smear the Save the Bays Organisation and its consultants in their fight to protect the environment and unregulated land development.

To date, it has sidestepped the real issues, namely:

• The unauthorised land development at Nygard Cay with all the ugly allegations that flow from it

• The proposed amendments to the Planning and Subdivision Act, which would tilt in the favour of unregulated land development by foreigners and place too much power in the hands of the minister

Gosh, I wonder why?

Far from being held accountable, government launched a Campaign of Deflection, hiding behind parliamentary privilege to leak personal financial information contained in confidential emails between private parties.

And Mr Christie now has the audacity to raise concerns about the potential fallout of the country’s financial services sector because of the Panama Papers leak?



November 4, 2016.


birdiestrachan 8 years, 1 month ago

The STB smeared themselves. as you are well aware they were just fine with the dredging of the Exuma Sea Park. and you are also aware that the out spoken QC received a retainer fee from the man who was allowed to do the dredging, and you all delivery boy had lunch with the man. What does STB, Why would save the Bays publish pictures of Mr: Christie the way they did if it was not polotical?


Economist 8 years, 1 month ago

Birdie, STB did not exist when Exuma was dredged.

Are you sure that the QC received a retainer? If so, please tell us what action was taken by the QC.


MonkeeDoo 8 years, 1 month ago

Oh my God birdie. People as stupid as you should never be allowed to vote. This is why this country is in hell right now. Christie on the front page of the Tribune admitting that the gap between the haves and have not has widened dramatically. And Bahamians, many in Centreville and Bain and Grants town get water from a communal pump and shit in an out house still. And you support these people and even boast about it in these blogs. Gone don't like ugly and he hates people like you. Sorry.


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